Donor Spotlight: Alex Brown

Even a small donation like the one I made can make a difference in lowering barriers to attending Hudson's transformative programs.
Alex Brown shares about how his personal growth has been shaped by Hudson:
Hudson's self-as-coach model has helped me delve into my internal landscape in order to become a more effective coach and leader. LifeForward helped me reframe thinking about the direction of my life from all-or-nothing end goals to finding the next step, iterating, and finding joy in the learning along the way. I strive to bring this ethos of joyous lifelong learning to my coaching and leadership development work.
I donated to the Frederic Hudson Scholarship Program because I believe that access to resources (networks, prestigious jobs, professional development funds) should not solely determine anyone's growth and development path.
Alex Brown shares about the drive behind his donation to the Frederic Hudson Scholarship Program:
Even a small donation like the one I made can make a difference in lowering barriers to attending Hudson's transformative programs. I donated to the Frederic Hudson Scholarship Program because I believe that access to resources (networks, prestigious jobs, professional development funds) should not solely determine anyone's growth and development path. Donating was one small, actionable way for me to act according to my value of justice in access to transformative opportunities.
Alex Brown speaks to the opportunities that have been unlocked for him since graduating from Hudson's Coach Certification Program:
I'm a better manager, friend, partner and person for having attended Hudson.
Since leaving Hudson, I've continued to develop my own coaching practice while bringing coaching approaches and self-leadership principles into my leadership development work. I'm a better manager, friend, partner and person for having attended Hudson.
The Frederic Hudson Scholarship Program thanks Alex Brown for being part of the Hudson community and for helping us in our mission to broaden access to adult learning.
Apr 12, 2024
min read