Donor Spotlight: Ross Corbet
I feel fortunate that through donating to the Frederic Hudson Scholarship program I may in a small way have an opportunity to help someone take advantage of the learning and growth that the Hudson Institute offers and thereby increase their positive impact on the world.
Ross Corbet shares about how his personal growth has been shaped by Hudson:
After a lengthy career at Hewlett Packard I found myself entering a new chapter in life. At the time it was unclear to me what direction that chapter might take. A coach I had at Hewlett Packard suggested the Hudson Institute of Coaching as an organization that may be able to help me add more context around what the next chapter may look like for me.
I attended the Hudson Institute of Coaching Life Forward program, which was then held on the second floor of the Veterans of Foreign Wars hall on Cabrillo Boulevard in Santa Barbara. I think there should have been a flashing neon sign at the top of those narrow, creaky wooden stairs leading to the second floor hall that said “those who climb these stairs and enter this hall are about to have their life transformed.”
I think there should have been a flashing neon sign at the top of those narrow, creaky wooden stairs leading to the second floor hall that said “those who climb these stairs and enter this hall are about to have their life transformed.”
Life Forward and the Hudson Coach Certification Program fed my love of learning and growth. What I learned at Hudson built upon and expanded previous knowledge I had in the business arena. I encountered new colleagues who became coaching collaborators and life long friends.
Ross Corbet shares about the drive behind his donation to the Frederic Hudson Scholarship Program:
I wanted to donate to the Frederic Hudson Scholarship program to thank the Hudson Institute of Coaching for the tremendous positive difference they have made in my life.
I wanted to donate to the Frederic Hudson Scholarship program to thank the Hudson Institute of Coaching for the tremendous positive difference they have made in my life. They provided a bridge for me from the corporate world to the next chapter of my life. They provided me with the opportunity to enhance my coaching skills so that I could continue to help global leaders discover their personal path to making a positive difference in their organization and personal life. Hudson also introduced me to colleagues who became great friends in the years since we completed the program.
I am grateful for the many opportunities for learning and growth the Hudson Institute of Coaching has offered to me over the years: coaching certification, coaching conferences, lifelong learning programs, personal connections, and small learning group friendships.
I feel fortunate that through donating to the Frederic Hudson Scholarship program I may in a small way have an opportunity to help someone take advantage of the learning and growth that the Hudson Institute offers and thereby increase their positive impact on the world.
Ross Corbet speaks to the opportunities that have been unlocked for him since graduating from Hudson's Coach Certification Program:
It unlocked opportunities to continue to grow and evolve as a person who can access his head, heart, and spirit when coaching someone. It unlocked opportunities to build life changing friendships and bonds with the learning group we created upon completion of the certification program.
The Hudson coaching program unlocked opportunities to make a difference by coaching leaders across the globe. Sometimes that has been as a sub-contractor to Hudson, other times it has been directly through my business. It unlocked opportunities to continue to grow and evolve as a person who can access his head, heart, and spirit when coaching someone. It unlocked opportunities to build life changing friendships and bonds with the learning group we created upon completion of the certification program.
The Frederic Hudson Scholarship Program thanks Kathryn M. Downing for being part of the Hudson community and for helping us in our mission to broaden access to adult learning.
Dec 4, 2023
min read