Ian Lopez shares about how his personal growth has been shaped by Hudson:
How hasn't it?! I came into the program thinking narrowly of development as linear career progression and looking for a way out of that mindset. Hudson immediately pushed me to think more expansively, and I finally gave myself permission to define development as more than my title or paycheck. Our "bouldering" experience empowered me to confront and take back the parts of my life I worried most about. That experience directly enabled the shifts in thinking I needed to reimagine and start to create my inspired future!
I came into the program thinking narrowly of development as linear career progression and looking for a way out of that mindset. Hudson immediately pushed me to think more expansively, and I finally gave myself permission to define development as more than my title or paycheck.
Ian Lopez shares about the drive behind his donation to the Frederic Hudson Scholarship Program:
Growing up middle-class, donation-based scholarships made it possible for me to attend a private high school and an Ivy League college at virtually no cost to my family. Being a part of these institutions has provided me opportunities I never dreamed of to create an amazing life, including the ability to attend HCC. I believe Hudson can provide similar life-changing opportunities for adults to develop themselves, enter the coaching profession, and to extend effective development to their families and communities. I'm proud to be a part of the initial group of donors enabling this extension of the Hudson community.
Ian Lopez speaks to the opportunities that have been unlocked for him since graduating from Hudson's Coach Certification Program:
Being a part of a Hudson cohort and talking to other Hudson coaches at the annual learning conference made me so much more confident to launch my own coaching and leadership development business. The community truly never stops giving.
I never thought of myself as someone who would start my own business. But during HCC, I did just that! Being a part of a Hudson cohort and talking to other Hudson coaches at the annual learning conference made me so much more confident to launch my own coaching and leadership development business. The community truly never stops giving.